Adrian Alvarez
Adrian Alvarez is an 18-year-old student residing in Rancho Cordova, California, who sustained a traumatic brain injury after falling from his electric skateboard and hitting his head. He received initial care at…
Adrian Alvarez is an 18-year-old student residing in Rancho Cordova, California, who sustained a traumatic brain injury after falling from his electric skateboard and hitting his head. He received initial care at…
Virginia Kessler is an 84-year-old retiree living in Sacramento, California. She enjoys cooking, playing cards, and doing her makeup and hair. In June 2023, she had surgery for bilateral below-knee amputations…
Before her illness, Katherine Warthan worked at two elementary schools in Owen County. She proudly served as a K-6 teacher for music, art, and PE. She has three kids and eight grandchildren and loves spending time with family. After contracting COVID-19, Katherine’s symptoms worsened. She ended up at IU Health Bloomington, where they diagnosed her […]